Wild Beasts - Assembly

Get over your issues, and the band's eccentricity might become quite intriguing.

Single Review by Graeme Blaikie | 07 Dec 2007
Single title: Assembly
Artist: Wild Beasts
Label: Domino
It's obvious from the outset of this, their third single, that Wild Beasts are one of those bands people are going to either love or hate. Singer Hayden Thorpe's quivering falsetto may grate on some, while lyrics like "the world's a whoopee wibbling wantlingly on my crooked seat" may prove too obscure for others. Get over these issues, however, and the band's eccentricity becomes quite intriguing. If they can somehow make their inventive sound work over the course of a whole album, a cult following á la Clinic or Architecture In Helsinki could well await. [Graeme Blaikie]
Out Now http:// http://www.myspace.com/wildbeasts