White Williams - Violator

White Williams' remixable second single Violator is a fine example of his debut album Smoke's goofy charm

Single Review by Ally Brown | 18 Jun 2008
Single title: Violator
Artist: White Williams
Label: Double 6
Release date: 16 Jun

Joe Williams' electro-retro debut album Smoke feels calculatedly zeitgeist-chasing at points: like he hopes his Blogger.com stats will boost by combining references to Vampire Weekend and Dan Deacon in the same song. But it's so goofily charming overall, that'd be a harsh viewpoint - more than VW or Graceland, his Afro rhythms and guitar tones recall Talking Heads' I Zimbra, his vocals Marc Bolan, and the production is a thickly bubbling syrup; but then, he remembers it's not the 70s, so there's Casio sound-FX too. And you know where's a good place to find all of this in 220-odd seconds? Stuttering second single Violator, that's where. [Ally Brown]

Free (e-mail registration required), available now in several constituent parts from dominorecordco.com/smoke Also see www.myspace.com/whitewilliams
