Weezer - Pork and Beans

Classic Weezer may well be back

Single Review by Emma Smith | 20 Jun 2008
Single title: Pork and Beans
Artist: Weezer
Label: Geffen/Interscope
Release date: 23 Jun

Rivers Cuomo doesn’t give a hoot about what you think. Is it a coincidence that new single Pork and Beans is the first to follow on from the shoddy standards of last album Make Believe? Thankfully, this should - and judging by that popular youtube clip, probably can't failt to - reignite the interest of many fans who had effectively given up hope. With a simply picked verse and earnest yet hugely scuzzy chorus, classic Weezer may well be back. A choice of three b-sides (covers of Tubeway Army, Psychedelic Furs and REM) give a hint that perhaps the band realise they have some making up to do- even if you’d never get Mr Cuomo Rivers to admit it. (Emma Smith)
