Wavves - So Bored

Single Review by Euan Ferguson | 25 Feb 2009
Single title: So Bored
Artist: Wavves
Label: Young Turks
Release date: 2 Mar

Music fans of a certain age might remember this guy from the nineties called Beck. He made fuzzy, lo-fi, lazy-sounding stoner anthems that hid a wealth of ideas behind the apathy. Fast-forward a few years, and instead of telling us he’s a loser, southern Californian multi-instrumentalist Wavves has made a fuzzy, lo-fi, lazy-sounding stoner anthem to tell us he’s so bored. He’s a blogger’s favourite, and does a good job of distilling a few generations of American music into a comfortingly familiar yet subtly exciting mix. Pixies nestle up with Pavement, The Beach Boys get cosy with Beat Happening, everyone’s happy. [Euan Ferguson]

Wavves plays Nice 'n' Sleazy, Glasgow with Pens on 1 Mar.
