The Whisky Works - In Against Your Own/Belgium

It's predictable right from the start

Single Review by Shaun Love | 06 Mar 2008
Single title: In Against Your Own/Belgium
Artist: The Whisky Works
Label: Self Released
The Whisky Works clearly know how to make a wall of sound, and on Belgium they do just that. Thick layers of screeching guitars, tight drumming, loud bass and chunky riffs add up to a nice big noise, impressive in its complexity as well as its size. Unfortunately on In Against Your Own, they let this release down by shifting the focus to a more standard verse/chorus/verse structure. It's predictable right from the start, and the monotonous, uninspiring lyrics such as 'You're an obstacle in the way / warble warble yesterday' only serve to highlight the tediousness of it all. [Shaun Love]
Release Date: 11 Feb