Operator Please - Get What You Want

Fast, fun and eventually annoying.

Single Review by Shaun Love | 06 Mar 2008
Single title: Get What You Want
Artist: Operator Please
Label: Brille
The Aussie high school battle of the band winners turned internationally hyped popstars are back with their third single, and taking their age into account, it's an undeniably impressive one. They've managed to channel their youthful vivaciousness into another nice wee tune that will no doubt get plenty of radio play. Outside that slightly condescending context though, Amandah Wilkinson's vocal style is the only real attraction. Her frantic warbling and screaming covers up the lack of an interesting melody and sounds just like The Gossip would if they tried to cover The Long Blondes while overdosed on Ritalin; fast, fun and eventually annoying. [Shaun Love]
Release Date: 3 Mar http://www.myspace.com/operatorplease