Larrikin Love - Downing St. Kindling

Not likely to win many friends

Single Review by Dave Reid | 15 Jul 2006
Single title: Downing St. Kindling
Artist: Larrikin Love
Label: WEA
Not only is the World Cup fuelling a newfound pride in Englishness, but the recent spate of so-called Thamesbeat bands extol the virtues of jellied eels and exude a southern arrogance. At first, Downing St. Kindling sounds like it ought to fit snugly into this bracket, but then a tirade begins that culminates in the singer exclaiming, "I can no longer dwell in England because I think that it is Hell." Not likely to win many friends while England is in the grip of World Cup fever, but it might help sales up here. [Dave Reid]
This single is out on June 26.