Debbie Leggo - Car Crash Crowd

Single Review by Gillian Watson | 17 Dec 2008
Single title: Car Crash Crowd
Artist: Debbie Leggo
Label: Fire
Release date: Out Now

London quartet Debbie Leggo release their first single, Car Crash Crowd, an ambitious concept single in which "street poet" Gerry Mitchell plays an artist's disastrous night out in Anytown, Scotland. Mitchell makes like a Caledonian Mark E Smith while the band roll through a trippy musical landscape which lies on the map somewhere between Hex Enduction Hour-era The Fall, minus the northern grit, and the more eerily pastoral of The Chills' early singles. The band keeps directionless noodling to a medium, and Mitchell's delivery, half atmospheric spoken word, half Smith impression, is convincing. This makes for an extremely promising debut release. [Gillian Watson]