Black Affair - It's Real

Lacks a punch, but provides a caress

Single Review by Scott Ramage | 18 Jun 2008
Single title: It's Real
Artist: Black Affair
Label: V2 Records
Release date: 16 Jun

Black Affair is the new alias of former Beta Band member Steve Mason, and it's a pseudonym that suggests something akin to a pop band of yesteryear, and that’s exactly what to expect on this single - retro-styled pads, crude synthetic handclaps and breathy, almost whispered vocals reminiscent of early disco. But this is no mere homage to the 80s - Mason’s sweet lament to love and its warm bassline points to something that’s more than the sum of its parts. It's Real sounds like it could pass for an unfinished demo, but the underproduction actually adds to its kitsch charm - it lacks a punch, but provides a caress. (Scott Ramage)

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