1990s - See You At The Lights

Backing vocal Ba-Ba-Bas, handclaps and the odd American Hey! thrown in make for some upbeat pop plus guitars.

Single Review by Julie Paterson | 11 May 2007
Single title: See You At The Lights
Artist: 1990s
Label: Rough trade
See You at the Lights is one of those feel good songs that makes you think of the summer. Backing vocal Ba-Ba-Bas, handclaps and the odd American Hey! thrown in make for some upbeat pop plus guitars. Perhaps it's a send up of the classic pop rock it's trying to emulate but the 1990s sound like they are having a good time nevertheless. A self proclaimed party band, they liken their music to "a blonde getting out of a car." Perhaps a drunken, dishevelled, half naked blonde. Produced by ex-Suede man Bernard Butler the b-sides Diablo and Super-Legal also feature CSS's Lovefoxx and Nereu. Let's hope we get the sunshine to go along with the music… [Julie Paterson]
Release Date: Out now. http://www.1990s.tv/