Titus Gein vs Hey Enemy - Split EP

Single Review by Ewen Millar | 25 Nov 2008
Single title: Split EP
Artist: Titus Gein vs Hey Enemy
Label: Predestination
Release date: Out Now

Titus Gein have succeeded in mixing two shockingly unhip genres –prog and nu-metal - and have somehow found something interesting to say. What should have been a truly hideous union - like catching your mother in bed with (whisper it) an emo kid - turns out to be fascinating, like Queen, Iron Maiden and Joe Satriani scoring a Sega Megadrive game in 1991. Hey Enemy are more derivative, ricocheting between Lower Forty-Eight, Shellac, and The Pixies, but while the vocals could do with beefing up in the mix, this three-piece produce some interesting guitar textures. Both bands do themselves no disservice with this EP, with Titus Gein shining in particular. [Ewen Millar]


