Secta Rouge - Pathologica Fantastica EP

An incredibly erratic polyrhythmic mosh pit

Single Review by Ali Maloney | 10 Jun 2007
Single title: Pathologica Fantastica EP
Artist: Secta Rouge
Label: Self Released
It used to be a simple matter of going LOUDquietLOUD for a band to be interesting, but now that's not enough. Bands have to be able to be LOUD and quiet at the same time, or something. Ummm, what? It's easy to over-spraff about vicious post-metal stop-on-a-dime shenanigans instead of getting into an incredibly erratic polyrhythmic mosh pit, as should be done. Somewhere between System Of A Down and Dillinger Escape Plan's Irony Is a Dead Scene, Secta Rouge are maybe (shhh) more fun than either of those two prospects. Technically dazzling and with lyrics that are serious but not taken seriously, can't wait to see them live. [Ali Maloney]
Release Date: Out now.
Secta Rouge play Subway Cowgate, Edinburgh on 19 June.