Kassidy - The Rubbergum EP

Single Review by Gordon Bruce | 01 Feb 2010
Single title: The Rubbergum EP
Artist: Kassidy
Label: Vertigo
Release date: 8 Feb


There’s not enough music in Scotland that makes you want to slap your thigh and chew tobacco. Kassidy have managed to produce such sounds - dusky country with aching harmonies backed by rhythmic arpeggios and galloping drums. It’s an original direction for Scottish music, and the potential is tantalising. But elements of the EP tread a dangerous path towards tasteless boredom, such that a Sunday afternoon Radio 2 show might wince. In particular, closing two tracks the Traveller and Yeah are let down with repetitive and predictable vocal melodies which can’t be saved by the interesting arrangements of sitar-like sounds and pouncing steel strings. Get back to that drawing board Kassidy, and savour the best bits while you still can. [Gordon Bruce]