Various Artists - A Weevil In A Biscuit

surprisingly consistent in style and mood.

Album Review by Tobias Kahn | 06 Mar 2008
Album title: A Weevil In A Biscuit
Artist: Various Artists
Label: Bearsuit
Edinburgh's Bearsuit Records combed the dauntingly expansive reaches of MySpace to put together A Weevil in a Biscuit. Different artists from across the world wrote all 16 tracks of ambient electronica. Considering that fact, it's surprisingly consistent in style and mood. Unfortunately, it's not so consistent in quality. Spanish artist Pequena Fiera!'s Do Re Ma Fa Sol I Kiss You could be a Mum or Album Leaf track with its lovely nostalgia-smothered melodica and melancholy lo-fi guitar. Limbic Somnus' A Candy Coated Slow Down sounds like a freefall through the cover art of MBV's Loveless. Many of the other tracks aren't bad, they're just not entirely remarkable. Ultimately, A Weevil In A Biscuit confirms that with the increased ease of electronic music production and distribution, there are now many gems scattered across the Internet with only 5,000 plays, but also many disposable efforts. [Tobias Kahn]
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