Steven Milne – Chasing Phantoms

Album Review by Paul Neeson | 06 Dec 2010
Album title: Chasing Phantoms
Artist: Steven Milne
Label: Bedford Records
Release date: 1 Nov

Chasing Phantoms is Aberdonian Steven Milne’s first solo outing; however it’s far from being the work of a novice, with the young songwriter having played a significant role in north east Scotland’s music scene for some years now, fronting The Little Kicks in addition to DJ and promotional duties in his home city. What it also represents is a stark contrast to the output of his band, with Chasing Phantoms predominantly playing out against a backdrop of wintry Scottish folk.

Bookending the album are Scribble One and Scribble Two, which go down the road of Bon Iver’s For Emma Forever Ago; they don't quite summon its awe, though they sufficiently seduce by evoking Vernon’s hymnal vocals and intimate production. In between, Keeping Busy Letting Go and Born In a Different Time deliver further highlights; with sparse piano, intricate fretwork and the gentle trill of his own voice, Milne constructs a sincere and largely faultless debut.