Singer - Unhistories

A lethargic but strangely engaging spaced-out rock/jazz hybrid

Album Review by Chris Cusack | 01 Apr 2008
Album title: Unhistories
Artist: Singer
Label: Drag City
Unhistories slouches nonchalantly into view, like some nihilistic collaboration between TV on the Radio and US Maple. It flicks one lazy v-sign in the vague direction of the mainstream and continues about its business. Singer quite clearly couldn't give a damn what some music hack has to say about them, and as such it seems pretty futile to point out that there are no pop songs on this album. Swimming in harmonies throughout and set to some brilliant drumming, it's a lethargic but strangely engaging spaced-out rock/jazz hybrid. Unless you've already been there, this is probably as close as you'll ever get to Jeff Buckley and band in a practice room jamming at their most wasted. It's a noise quite unlike much else and, whilst not exactly the soundtrack to the summer, demonstrates an admirable lack of concern for anything other than the band's enjoyment of their own sound. [Chris Cusack]
Release Date: 14 Apr