Punch And The Apostles - Punch And The Apostles

Debut album from theatrical Glasgow seven-piece.

Album Review by Lauren Mayberry | 16 Jan 2010
Album title: Punch And The Apostles
Artist: Punch And The Apostles
Label: Repellant Records
Release date: 15 Feb


From the opening cacophony of The School, and the ensuing theatrical, expletive-laden soliloquy, it’s clear that Punch and the Apostles’ debut album is going to be a circus. There's everything from polka on Womb Grave to the bluesy funk of Can of Beans, at one point high-hats, then bizarrely punk.

With a story-telling vocal leading most of the way, the gang choruses on I’m A Hobo are refreshing, as well as mariachi horns and Spanish guitar on The Bullring (Pt 1) and one hell of a sax solo on Asylum. With so much going on, it would be hard to label this unimaginative. However, the A.D.D. nature of the songs may not universally appeal, at times teetering towards O.T.T. and unpalatable to some. No doubt uncommercial by choice, those who have been waiting for this album’s eventual appearance will be satisfied by all of its wacky, Marmite-flavoured promise. [Lauren Mayberry]

