Fury UK - VR

Album Review by Austin Tasseltine | 07 Jul 2009
Album title: VR
Artist: Fury UK
Label: Rocksector
Release date: 13 July

Speaking from experience, the last thing music writers do at night is pray to their appropriate deity that it might deliver unto them the kind of record they can flex their vocabulary on, spewing forth all those collated witty insults and snappiest put-downs: someone so musically gormless as to wander blank-eyed into their sights and get a succinct, verbal bullet in the skull. Fury UK peddle the most unbelievably naïve metal (right down to their name) that they make it almost intolerable to restrain oneself from wading into 150 words of self-indulgent bile. Yet their music, an assured splicing of Metallica/Maiden/Megadeth and almost every other major metal band of the last thirty years is so irrelevant to our times - however so sincerely done - that to put it down would be as pointless as it is easy. These guys can certainly play, and they mean what they do, bless them. Live and let live.
