Angel Brothers - Angel Brothers

Album Review by Ray Philp | 26 Jun 2009
Album title: Angel Brothers
Artist: Angel Brothers
Label: Navigator Records
Release date: 6 Jul

It occurs to this writer that folk music, by definition, should theoretically be exempt from accusations of a lack of innovation, because that’s sort of missing the point of the endeavour. However, that doesn’t excuse folk bands from giving originality a bash, and, initially, Angel Brothers' self-titled fourth album doesn’t do much to assuage my suspicion that this might be another earnest exercise in ethical, cross-legged strumming. Of the worst offenders, Goldbricking and Django’s Caravan are guilty of the sort of ponderous plucking that would feasibly soundtrack a late-night Discovery Channel documentary on ancient Egypt. Yet, despite the odd mundanity, there’s much to admire elsewhere: Angel Brothers' pan-global influences - Indian and Latin folk in particular - add intriguing texture to Tongues Of Fire and Same Sky, Different Planet. Angel Brothers have crafted a record that's pleasant enough, if not exactly capable of exceeding expectations.