Minus the Bear @ King Tuts, 12 Dec

More energy required, perhaps

Article by Jamie Borthwick | 06 Jan 2008

It had been the long road round to Glasgow for Minus the Bear, but they're wearing their three months on the road well as they kick off with Burying Luck in front of a sizeable throng at Tut's. The crowd seem consciously segregated with the casual observers standing respectfully to the rear and the fist-pumping enthusiasts singing every line back to the band up the front. The vocal performance of Jake Snider in truth leaves a bit to be desired, his musings not transferring to the live stage with any punch. There's a marked difference also between the older tracks and their punchy, simple layout and the new material which exudes a classier writing style but lacks their original urgency. Final song Lotus is a case in point, with some magical riff patterns let down by a meandering prog breakdown. More energy required perhaps, but we'll forgive the travel-weary Seattle troops that. [Jamie Borthwick]
