GZA/Genius @ ABC, 12 Nov

Frustrating Glasgow set from legendary Wu-Tang rapper

Article by Ryan Drever | 17 Nov 2008

Amongst Wu aficianados in the know, tonight's gig - comprised mainly of a complete performance of the seminal Liquid Swords - should be so exciting that it induces heart failure. Unfortunately that excitement is soon replaced with frustration and disappointment as the Genius takes his sweet time getting to the stage. As the album's title track kicks in for the second time (the show is halted only a minute in when he's greeted by a shower of booze), the crowd's restlessness is temporarily stunted.

Video: GZA at ABC, Glasgow - "If You dump beer on me I'm gon' fuck you up!"

However, as the GZA mostly stands with one hand in his pocket - grinning at the clusters of fans dotted around the ABC - the mood swings between euphoric and subdued. Once Killah Priest closes the main part of the set with B.I.B.L.E., GZA underlines this lack of mobility by pulling up a stool to perform Animal Planet. Yet when he gets his head in the room GZA can easily work a crowd; conducting enormous chants through a rendition of his fallen cousin ODB's Shimmy Shimmy Ya; pounding fists between rhymes and daring to dance during what few cuts he lifts from the recent Pro-Tools. Still, at barely even an hour, it's difficult not to feel a little cheated. [Ryan Drever]
