FOUND @ Voodoo Rooms, 3 Mar

Article by Darren Carle | 09 Mar 2011

‘FOUND change gear’ we proudly claimed in response to hearing the Edinburgh trio’s upcoming third album. Tonight that proves more than just a snappy aphorism, as a sold-out Voodoo Room is treated to a pre-album launch run-thru of Factorycraft. It’s a straight delivery that complements the newly streamed numbers and ethos of the group whilst allowing the song-writing to shine. Utilising only guitar, bass and proto-futuristic drum machine, less is assuredly more as they power through the opening drill of Anti-Climb Paint to an ecstatic response.

The old vanguard are here, even inciting a spot of moshing to You’re No Vincent Gallo, but the back row chin-strokers seem suitably impressed by the latest curveball FOUND have pitched. A tardy start time ensures only one ‘bonus’ track, a pity considering their back catalogue and the fervent energy built in the crowd. We’ve had our appetiser then, now we’re ready for the main. [Darren Carle]

Playing Captain’s Rest, Glasgow on 14 March and supporting The Phantom Band at Cabaret Voltaire on 17 March.

Factorycraft is released via Chemikal Underground on 14 March.