Fife Kills Tour @ Captain's Rest, 15 Feb

Pleasant folk evening, although many boats remaining to be rocked.

Article by Lauren Mayberry | 23 Feb 2009

The only band of this particular stop of the Fife Kills tour to possess a designated drummer, Rob St. John (***) deliver the most rewarding performance of the evening. The eponymous self-deprecating frontman shyly moves the band through their short set, his at times Nick Drake-like timbre complemented by sparse harmonies. Softly poignant lyrics (“sing a song my heart forgot”) and epic, organic soundscapes entertain a crowd apparently as yet unfamiliar. 

Eagleowl (***) bring out their strings and two-part tearjerk harmonies to much applause. Always surprisingly effective without a drummer, the band are tonight dogged by technical glitches, leaving a sense of going through the motions somewhat and lacking the unique emotional force with which they usually perform. Yet, their crescendos, sensitively intelligent lyrics, soft-spoken audience interaction and a fan-pleasing encore - with a song title too rude to name - mean that Eagleowl can satisfy even when the chips are down. [Lauren Mayberry]