Envy @ The Arches

The mixing desk would have to send out a search party to rescue the anaemic guitar sound.

Article by Jamie Borthwick | 07 Dec 2007

The Arches is always liable to throw up a spot of light debate when used for gigs requiring the sort of precision sound required to fully appreciate Envy. The labyrinthine venue is certainly held in higher regard for its club nights than its live band appeal, and it was always going to take a great effort by the techs to do justice to the powerful Japanese screamers. Playing the part of acoustic guinea pigs tonight are locals DeSalvo, but their thrusting rock 'n' growl is lost to the ether - the mixing desk would have to send out a search party to rescue the anaemic guitar sound. Envy's arrival with Chain Wondering Deeply remains in the slipstream of sonic weakness until mercifully, the guitars suddenly widen, the kick drum slinks back to its place at the back of the mix and we are in business. A bruising tour through the earlier material brings us to a magnificent post-rock odyssey from new recording, Abyssal, and careers back through the pick of their recent albums, encoring triumphantly. Gig rescued and the punters leave delighted, but can The Arches try and sort the sound quicker next time? [Jamie Borthwick]
