Copy Haho @ Sneaky Pete's, 2 Feb

Article by Jamie Scott | 06 Feb 2009

Opening with their first two singles - 2006's Bookshelf and last year's You Are My Coal Mine - Stonehaven's Copy Haho flow right in to the lead track from their new extended player, Pulling Push Ups. This alone emphasizes that while there is a clear development in their songwriting skill, they've always shown attention to detail in their integration of instrument parts; making the most of scattershot guitars, rolling drums and stuttering vocals. Yet songs never hide behind brash distortion pedal dynamics or obvious minor chords, relying instead on well ordered structures and summer sky guitar riffs - their melodies grasp at every happy idea and hold them close. And every tune races past at great speed; breathless but never exhausting, and an engaging show spills from the stage. Copy Haho don't fear writing buoyant, punch-the-air pop songs, and with the quality on show tonight they could become unstoppable. [Jamie Scott]