Converge @ Ivory Blacks, 15 Jul

The triumph of Converge's performance is indisputable

Article by Jamie Borthwick | 25 Jul 2008

The wisdom of having a five band bill for a midweek gig can often be argued, but while the sounds don't suit everybody at Ivory Blacks tonight, the triumph of Converge's performance is indisputable.

Glasgow cracks DeSalvo (****) open proceedings to a fairly sparse crowd but their groove-inducing heavy style seems universally appreciated. Vocalist Phil combines a pig nose and butcher's apron with camp posturing to unnerving effect; precisely the feeling these Rock Action label boys intend. Shades of heavy metal, hardcore and metalcore bring a slightly uneven feel to the night through sets by Colliseum (**) and Integrity (***), however tastes are clearly alligned again for the heaving crowd that await Converge (****).

The trademark single guitar opener teases the raucous front row before a triple salvo from most recent album No Heroes boots them into arm waving action. The pit is gargantuan by the time Broken Vow comes around, sparking a frenzy of crowd surfing. Vocalist Jacob Bannon's shirt seems to blend with his mass-tattooed body as his sweat mirrors that of his fans, who scream every last lyric adoringly back at him. An encore of classic anthem The Saddest Day is an untoppable finale, even for those poor souls who missed their train home to catch the ultra-late show. [Jamie Borthwick]