Broadcast @ Stereo, 9 Dec

Article by Mark Shukla | 11 Dec 2009

Currently operating as a two-piece, tonight Broadcast seriously up the ante in the visual stakes, Trish Keenan seemingly having just escaped from the Jonestown cult with her white robes and ironed-flat long black hair whilst James Cargill's combover and hilarious '70s jumper combo suggests a science teacher with a major LSD habit - the message 'get ready for a voyage to Tripout City' is echoing around Stereo before they even play a note.

Positioned either side of a large projection screen, the pair begin by improvising an accompaniment to a series of visual cut-ups and kaleidoscopic animations; Cargill ringing some blissful frequencies from his analogue gear (think bell chimes sucked through a wormhole) whilst Keenan mangles and modulates her vocal mantras on the fly. They maintain a wonderful rhythmical foundation throughout and the gig peaks when they segue into Corporeal - the pained and seductive highlight of a noisy and beautiful evening. [Mark Shukla]


Broadcast and the Focus Group Investigate Witch Cults of the Radio Age is out now on Warp.