Bowerbirds @ The Admiral Bar, 8 Sep

A virtually flawless showing

Article by Chris Cusack | 11 Sep 2008

It's on nights like this you notice the gumminess of pub floors. The viscous peel of soles off the hardwood surface is amplified exponentially when pitted against tonight's gentle stirrings. Jo Mango's (****) soft keyboard and acoustic guitar murmur sweet optimism as coins crash against coins in the cash drawer of the Gods; bar transactions thrusting their philistine fingers into the ears of a small but appreciative audience. Fortunately, both the sweetly affected Ms Mango and the North Carolinan headliners maintain focus throughout their respective sets of brilliantly executed, modern folk-pop. Given their fondness for the much-maligned accordion, a healthy ratio of tuneful accessibility to rustic Americana is observed by the latter trio. Gathered round a backbone of nylon-stringed guitar, Bowerbirds rotate round the assembled instruments, using the kick drum much like a bodhran and weaving in winsome threads of violin. It's a virtually flawless showing. Be there next time. [Chris Cusack]