Tindersticks @ City Hall, Glasgow, 5 Oct

Article by Ewen Millar | 01 Oct 2008

11 years is an eon in musical terms: between the years 1997 and 2008 we have borne witness to the demise of Britpop, the stillbirth that was nu-metal, and the current obsession with early-80s post-punk, to name but a few trends that have come and gone. In the last 11 years however, Tindersticks have not changed one iota. Sure, since the 1997 release of their first album Curtains there have been a few ups and downs- in 2006 Dickon Hinchcliffe left Stuart Staples to mull obsessively over the same ground on his own- but recent album The Hungry Saw has proved that it is still very much business as usual. So, more gruff Leonard Cohen-esque vocals, backed by tasteful string arrangements that never intrude into Staples' solipsistic musings on pain and desolation. Currently on tour with his 12-piece band, they play Glasgow City Hall on the 5th October, and will undoubtedly lull audiences into thoughtful self-loathing in the nicest way possible. [Ewen Millar]

7.30pm, £19.50
