The Low Anthem @ The Queen's Hall, 30 Aug

Article by Darren Carle | 06 Aug 2010

A rose-tinted view of history would suggest that Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution changed the world overnight. But like most paradigm shifts, it took the old-guard to die and the upcoming fertile young minds of the day to champion a view of the world that holds true today.

It’s perhaps apt then that it took a re-release of The Low Anthem’s Oh My God, Charlie Darwin before the music world really caught on.

It’s hardly surprising as the Rhode Island trio are, at their best, a veritable whisper in a noisy world of wailing and snarling. Not that they are without any bite as the style and sentiment of Don’t Let Nobody Turn You Around or The Horizon Is A Beltway prove.

The Low Anthem are a delicately balanced folk proposition who can kick up a bluegrass storm and as such, the grand yet robust Queen’s Hall should prove a perfect setting.

7pm, £12.50