Radiohead @ Glasgow Green, 27 Jun

"A lily livered excuse for a rock band"?

Article by Nick Mitchell | 05 Jun 2008

Described in an early NME gig review as "a lily livered excuse for a rock band," it's fair to say Radiohead have surpassed all expectations in the intervening 15 years. You know the history, and you probably have your ticket, so let's just remind ourselves of what they may play on the night: Creep (maybe), The Bends, Fake Plastic Trees, High And Dry, Just, My Iron Lung, Street Spirit (Fade Out), Paranoid Android, Karma Police, No Surprises, Optimistic, Idioteque, Pyramid Song, I Might Be Wrong, Knives Out, There There, 2+2=5, Jigsaw Falling Into Place, Nude... When they last played Scotland at Meadowbank in 2006 they gave us a mammoth set with three encores. For most other bands that would smack of self-indulgence, but if Radiohead repeat the feat (with all-new songs from the excellent In Rainbows included) it's doubtful anyone – NME reviewers included – will have any cause to complain. Support comes from Thom Yorke-touted songstress, Bat For Lashes. We saw her at Connect last year: nae bad. Don't miss it.

Read The Skinny's review of Radiohead's Glasgow Green performance here.

4pm (Radiohead on stage at 8.30pm), £42.50 Tickets available from, or