The Cathouse: 20 Years of Blood, Sweat and Beers

Celebrating 20 years as the go-to nightspot for the rock-oriented clubber, Glasgow’s <b>Cathouse</b> staff relive five moments from its colourful history

Feature by The Cathouse | 01 Nov 2010

Oasis played the Cathouse on their first tour after being signed at King Tut’s. They were supported by The Verve and their famous B-Side cover of I Am The Walrus was recorded live during the show

Donald MacLeod [Cathouse founder] booked Pearl Jam to play the Cathouse on Brown Street and in-between the time of booking and their actual Glasgow show, Jeremy went stellar in the charts and the band became international superstars to which the contract remained. That show has gone down in rock and roll history as an amazingly intimate experience for both the band and the fans.

During a European tour, New York band Biohazard had been growing increasingly concerned of reports about the violent reputation of Glasgow / Glaswegians, so much so that when they arrived for their Scottish show at the Cathouse it transpired that one of them had managed to smuggle an uzi automatic into the country.

Prog outfit Dream Theater arrived to play the Cathouse and immediately began grumbling about having the wrong kind of orange juice on their rider; “We need no sugar, no additive organic orange juice,” Donald recalls. So, he took the cartons away, got a black marker, drew large lines through the nutritional contents and took them back into the dressing room. The band thanked him very much for his efforts and proceeded to drink the OJ.

While onstage at the Cathouse on Brown Street, Roy Villasenor, bassist with robust rockers Downset was rocking so hard (and was so large) that he actually crashed through the staging and got stuck, wedged in by a combination of his sheer body size and his enormous feet. The local crew had to chop the stage up around him in sections to free him and allow the show to continue.

Cathouse 20th Birthday Party takes place on 27 Nov, 10.30pm–4am