Rock Action Around the Clock

Your musical education doesn't end at Errors. Here we present three more choice signings from the disparate school of <b>Rock Action</b> for your delectation. Why send the kids anywhere else?

Feature by Darren Carle | 02 Feb 2010

Being signed to Rock Action, RememberRemember are the most likely of the roster to be sued under the trades description act. Graeme Ronald’s amorphous band are as soft and fluffy as a kitten licking a baby chick but thankfully not as sickly. Witness their glistening, towering, loop constructions on the euphoric Fountain Mountain, which nicks the bass-line from Outkast’s Hey Ya for measure. Don't tell Big Boi.

Part Chimp
This London-based quartet have been monkeying around for a few years now, but really hit their stride with 2009’s Thriller. Nothing short of monolithic throughout, album number three was filled with gigantic stoner-rock riffs pulled off with panache in the face of potential cliché. Check out opening gambit Trad for a blueprint par excellence of what The Chimp are about.

Moving further along Rock Action’s ‘rock-o-meter’ (I’m sure they own one), Scottish hardcore group DeSalvo make Part Chimp sound like acceptable background music for your Gran’s Sunday dinner. Pig masks and butcher aprons are considered official DeSalvo attire, a visual cue to their visceral sound. A listening recommendation? Fuck it, try the unremitting Cock Swastika on for size.