Bus Driver(SCS Software)

You are just a bus driver: No racing, diversions for drug deals or running over Nazis.

Game Review by Keir Hind | 10 Jul 2007
In Bus Driver, you get to drive a bus along a route and pick up passengers at every stop. You are just a bus driver: No racing, diversions for drug deals or running over Nazis. This has to be one of the dullest initial concepts for a game ever, until they release 'file clerk'. This said, the game is playable enough for a while, and disarmingly nice, e.g "help the tired factory workers get home safely." As such it is hard to dislike. But since the double decker and the prison bus (where every crash is cheered) are the only concessions to variety here, it gets dull. The virtual town you drive around is nicely rendered, but where are all the people? Apart from your passengers there are none, which makes you some sort of virtual Charon ferrying lost souls around a dull urban Hades. Not really - that sounds too interesting. I'm afraid you're stuck driving a bus. [Keir Hind]
Out Now for Download on PC. RRP 29.99. http://www.busdrivergame.com