Scotland Film Events Highlights – November 2013

Halloween may be over, but there are still plenty of scares on our screens, from FrightFest's GFT takeover to the horror of John Travolta's flares in Saturday Night Fever at DCA

Feature by Becky Bartlett | 29 Oct 2013

FrightFest returns to the GFT in Glasgow on 2 Nov for a post-Halloween gorefest. Five films are being screened – controversial 1970s classic Mark of the Devil kickstarts the day, including a special Q&A session with its director, Michael Armstrong. This is followed by four new films, all of which are UK premieres: Discopath (the title's fairly self-explanatory), religious horror Nothing Left to Fear, a remake of 1978 film Patrick, and The Station (think The Thing down under). With ticket deals for all five films, don't miss the chance to see some new movies and have a bloody great day.

If you'd like your disco with a little less horror, dig out your flares and strut down to the DCA in Dundee, where Saturday Night Fever is screening on 16 Nov. With a wonderfully evocative soundtrack by the Bee Gees and an iconic, Oscar nominated performance by John Travolta, this is a quintessentially 70s film, combining social realism with dance-filled escapism.

Filmhouse in Edinburgh, in association with Drambuie, are paying homage to Jack Nicholson, the most Oscar-nominated man ever and one of only three to win three Academy Awards. Running through November and December, the eight films selected predominantly concentrate on his early career, with three bona fide classics showing: Chinatown (25 Nov), Easy Rider (27 Nov), and The Shining (28 Nov). Check out the Filmhouse website for more details.

The 48 Hour Film Project is taking place this month, when filmmakers are invited to make a short film – from start to finish – over just one weekend. The GFT is showing the results on 26-27 Nov, where the audience can meet the filmmakers, vote for their favourites, and win prizes of their own. With the films yet to be made, who knows what they'll be like, but it's a great opportunity to see what will undoubtedly be a wide and unconventional selection of assorted shorts. Aspiring directors should head to for details about participating.

On 2 Dec, Dirty Wars is screening at the Cameo in Edinburgh. This documentary, in which investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill explores America's military ethics in Afghanistan following witness reports about US soldiers pulling bullets out of pregnant Afghani women after a night raid, is essential viewing for those interested in the ongoing 'war on terror' and the covert operations involved. There will be a special panel discussion following the screening – guests yet to be confirmed.