Doctor Who (New Series 3): Vol.2

don't miss the gradually evolving trap...

Film Review by Ryan Agee | 10 Jun 2007
Film title: Doctor Who (New Series 3): Vol.2
Release date: 24 June.
There's one enormous advantage about watching Doctor Who on DVD: you get to hear that theme tune in full over the end credits without some idiot yapping over it about whatever's on next. Oh, and the show's quite good too… This disc collects the episodes 4 to 7 of the current series, beginning with an unusually muted Dalek two-parter replete with genetic manipulation, disgusting pig-men and more disgusting 'Noo Yawk' accents. All pretty standard, but The Lazarus Experiment really gets things going with a good Brit-horror style mutation plot (with nods to the classic Quatermass series) and then 42 keeps things taut with a real-time plot on a spaceship about to crash into the sun. Shouldn't forget to say that there's a theme developing in this series about what it means to be human, and don't miss the gradually evolving trap being set by the mysterious Mister Saxon… all good stuff. And Freema Agyeman's a fox, too. [Ryan Agee]
Release date: 24 June.