Alphabet - September

Article by The Staff at Alphabet Video | 08 Sep 2007
Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride: Hunter S. Thompson (4 Sep)

"The Twentieth Century's most important comic writer..." Wild, colourful and always close to the edge, Thompson was a true original. Directed by Tom Thurman and narrated by Nick Nolte, with interviews from close family, Hollywood and Washington, this documentary is a must for dedicated fans as well as anyone familiar with his work. Next year The Rum Diary makes it to the big screen, directed by Bruce Robinson (Withnail & I) and starring Johnny Depp.

The Lives Of Others (17 Sep)
First time director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck crafts an intricate web of human emotion set in the Stasi dominated East Germany of 1984, where everyone is under suspicion and no one can be trusted. Massive acclaim and extended runs at both the Filmhouse and the Cameo suggest it should be a massive renter for us. The best of European cinema!

Jindabyne (17 Sep)
An adult drama from award-winning director Ray Lawrence (Lantana) adapts the Raymond Carver short story So Much Water So Close To Home with powerful performances led by Gabriel Byrne and Laura Linney as many questions of morality and self exploration are addressed.

Zodiac (24 Sep)
David Fincher returns with a sprawling depiction of a 60s and 70s West Coast America terrorised by an elusive and cunning serial killer. Over two and a half hours Fincher draws out of his characters (Ruffalo's policeman, and Downey Jr. and Gyllenhall's reporters) the obsession and destruction wreaked by the killer, with attention to detail and fine performances giving a true depiction of an unresolved recent case. Definitely worthy of your attention.