3-Day Weekend

Film Review by Scotty McKellar | 06 Mar 2009
Film title: 3-Day Weekend
Director: Rob Williams
Starring: Chris Carlisle, Joel Harrison, Gaetano Jones
Release date: March 9 2009
Certificate: 15

You know what it's like when there's a big weekend trip coming up with your mates. Everyone's excited about the crazy boozing, deep meaningful talks and lives that 'won't be the same again', but part of you knows it's probably just going to suck. Rob Williams' film, billing itself as "a shaken and stirred cocktail of intrigue, humour and drama" has much the same problem. Two male couples meet up annually for a long weekend in a mountaintop cabin, and this year, to shake things up, each of them invites a good-looking single gay friend. Early on, the characters openly criticise clichéd elements of the 'typical gay movie' but Williams' thin script offers nothing new. Serious topics are mentioned fleetingly, and in place of any character development it relies on tedious bedhopping to move things along. The worst part is nothing really happens to make it a worthwhile weekend. Maybe in the rush out the door someone forgot to pack a plot?