GFF 2013: Strings

Film Review by | 15 Feb 2013
Film title: Strings
Director: Rob Savage
Starring: Philine Lembeck, Oliver Malam, Hannah Wilder, Sid Akbar Ali
Certificate: 15

For a teenager to do anything other than get smashed all day and draw their name on bus stops is pretty impressive. Writing, directing and shooting a feature by 18, as Rob Savage did here, is nothing short of a wonder. The young filmmaker’s confidence and technical proficiency are evident in every frame of Strings and, unfortunately, this proves to be the picture’s major weakness.

Focusing on two young couples over the course of a summer, Strings admirably attempts to present a raw and authentic take on teen romance and aimlessness. Oddball Grace (Philine Lembeck) and introvert Jon (Oliver Malam) start a casual fling, while distance grows between long term partners Scout (Hannah Wilder) and Chris (Sid Akbar Ali). Savage's efforts to capture an intimate portrait of his subjects are undermined by a desire to dazzle. Jump-cuts, soft focus cinematography, hyperactive editing and frequently discordant audio all vie for the viewers' attention and ultimately distract from the work's overall goals. Undoubtedly a talent to watch, with some restraint Mr. Savage could be a really big deal.


15 Feb - Cineworld 18 @ 16.15

16 Feb - Cineworld 18 @ 21.15