The Extremists @ Assembly Roxy

Review by Emma Ainley-Walker | 09 Aug 2013

If you've ever flicked on to America's Fox News, out of curiosity, a desire for humour or just by accident, then you'll know a little about what to expect from The Extremists. However, while the Fox News pundits are usually – and sadly – wholly sincere, this play is an incredibly self-aware depiction of the scare tactics used in American media and politics to nullify the public into mindless following of what they are told to be true.

Funny, fast-paced and intentionally patronising, this show will have you laughing out loud at its insightful and highly satirical look into the American attitude towards terrorism, extremism and the ways in which right wing politicians try to dress themselves up to appear more central, more palatable. That is, if you can focus enough on the meaning of the words words words thrown incessantly at the audience.

What is particularly impressive is the physicality of the piece – especially considering that, in true talk show-style, the actors are predominantly seated across a table from one another. Their study of political body language is sharply observed, and the way the politicians vie for the attention of the audience and the cameras is taken directly from almost any TV politics show. The Extremists takes all these familiar tropes and turns them round to shine a light on the ways in which we are pandered to by fear-mongering experts who rarely spout any real facts.

The Extremists, Assembly Roxy, Until Aug 26 (not 12), 12:40pm, £13/£12