Squidboy @ Assembly Roxy

Review by Callum Madge | 18 Sep 2013

The recent release of Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa tops off what has been a very successful progression for Steve Coogan’s blundering but loveable character. Kiwi Trygve Wakenshaw’s own comic incarnation, Squidboy, is an absurdist and slightly effeminate blend of man and cephalopod, utilising mime and clowning. This is a one-man show in which Squidboy makes imaginary friends, goes on imaginary dates and chews a lot of imaginary crisps. 

Wakenshaw’s clown training is immediately evident; without a single prop, his proficiency in mime holds the audience transfixed, whether he’s playing with ‘poochie’ or enacting simple actions like eating. The continuing humour found in repeated gags, too, is a testament to his talent for physical comedy. His adeptness for physicalisation would fall flat however, if it weren’t for the well thought out script gently mocking life, and a delivery that doesn’t overstate the humour but instead pitches it in a dry and effortless approach. In addition to his physicality, Wakenshaw is a master of expressions, with sometimes just the look in his eyes sending the audience into bouts of hysterics; his revisited look of regretful shock is particularly pleasing. Squidboy is a playful and silly exploration of human nature but it only works because underneath it is a carefully considered structure and a precise execution from an immensely skilled performer.


Run ended http://www.edfringe.com/whats-on/theatre/squidboy