
With superb audience interaction, the best satirical character since Garth Marenghi, bloody violence and the possibility of scoring a free Yakult yoghurt drink, Victor should have been one of the most talked about tickets this year

Review by Ben Judge | 22 Aug 2007
Anyone who has ever bought a new DVD in this country and been unable to skip the anti-piracy government warnings will be familiar with the Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT); a government quango so wide open to satire it’s incredible that there aren’t 50 shows dedicated to tearing the whole organisation to pieces.

Victor Legit, the self-styled "most important man on the face of the earth," has been charged with the task of spreading FACT’s message through the medium of infotainment. He brings his roadshow to the Fringe to teach us about the true costs of pirate DVDs and proliferate anti-Korean racism among the masses.

Legit’s creator, Adam Riches, has on his hands, one of the finest satirical characters of the last few years. His maverick and demented copyright enforcer is almost perfectly realised - everything from the tone of his voice, to the brain-washed repetition of the party line and the ridiculous sense of condescending superiority are all hall-marks of the civilian law-enforcement type.

In any other hands, the joke has more than enough potential to get repetitive and tiresome. Conversely, as the routine gets more and more absurd and Legit more and more desperate, further layers of nuance and spectacularly original set-pieces force the set to greater heights, to such an extent that this could well be the most original and brilliantly written comedy show at the Fringe.

With superb audience interaction, the best satirical character since Garth Marenghi, bloody violence and the possibility of scoring a free Yakult yoghurt drink, Victor should have been one of the most talked about tickets this year. It is a great shame that, much like DVD pirates, Riches looks unlikely to get the justice he deserves.