
There's a good show trapped in this mess somewhere, but when its presented in this manner, the only option is to sink to your knees, gaze skywards and cry out for mercy

Review by Chris McCall | 22 Aug 2007
Its a rarity for a Fringe production to have a bona fide star in their ranks, and there's certainly no stars to be seen amongst the cast of Discotivity. Instead, they have Michelle McManus, who was either cast in the role of the Virgin Mary in a vain attempt to attract publicity or to send a rather warped two-finger salute to the big man up stairs.

This is meant to be the story of the nativity told via the medium of 70's disco hits, but in the mad rush to cram as many Bee Gees numbers into a 45 minute show, anything resembling a script is quickly thrown out the window. The result is a confused, high-octane, high-camp load of bollocks. There's a good show trapped in this mess somewhere, for example the idea of Joesph looking for accommodation in Bethlehem and stumbling into a YMCA is too funny for words, but when its presented in this manner, the only option is to sink to your knees, gaze skywards and cry out for mercy.