Thünderbards @ Gilded Balloon

Slick but strangely uninspiring sketches from the talented Thünderbards

Review by Polly Glynn | 15 Aug 2017

Revolving around Matt Stevens' breakup with a stock photo model, which Glenn Moore may or may not have caused, 4nd is another collection of enjoyable sketches from the duo. The hour’s built of mainly fast-paced scenes but the show's conceit allows for longer patches of exposition. If anything, these are far too long and the most inventive gags are the throwaway lines between sketches.

Some scenes, too, are a little puerile: a rewrite of James Bond being the most noticeable. It's disappointing, as the pair seem smarter and more capable than their material. There’s some nice tech work too, with funny visuals flashing up on the projector screen behind them and the use of a voice-changer being a standout. That joke is, however, reminiscent of something Bo Burnham did a couple of years ago.

4nd is a consistently good hour of sketches with relatable ideas and twisty punchlines, but doesn’t feel like it’s at the cutting edge of this style of comedy.

Thünderbards: 4nd Gilded Balloon, Teviot (Dining Room), 2-27 Aug, 3.15pm, £9-12