Emerald Smiles

Review by Kirsten Innes | 13 Aug 2012

Emerald Smiles is the collective term for Irish comedians Danny O'Brien, Rory O'Hanlon and Trevor Browne.

O'Brien is tonight's compere, with his accounts of an emotionally scarring teenage disco and equally horrific stay in an Australian hostel being well-delivered.

O'Hanlon starts off with some Fringe observations that go down well with a Royal Mile-weary crowd. He swiftly moves on to his experiences in other countries, dealing particularly with drinking which leads neatly onto reasons why he is now tee-total. The observations seem a little familiar, but are well-received.

Browne looks set to be the most interesting act. He begins with a few one-liners and then sings a break-up song. I struggle to figure out what he's trying to do with his next song, the apparently Springsteen-inspired 'Midget and a Ho'. It starts off pretty promisingly, but slowly becomes a bit of a bewildering mess. He makes reference to the song not being great, but it's not quite badly-written enough to pass off as intentionally unfunny.

On the whole, the show feels very safe. Frustratingly, it's only fine. All three acts clearly know what they are doing and the majority of the crowd leaves fulfilled, but there are no huge laughs here, just plenty of Emerald Smiles.

Emerald Smiles, The Shack, until 26 August, 19:30, http://www.theshackedinburgh.co.uk/