September in the Shade

Blog by Carrie MacLennan | 28 Sep 2009

I've never noticed it before, but September really is a pretty swell month isn't it? This year, it's has been brimful of fabulousness. So much has been going on in Glasgow over the past couple of weeks that we've not managed to spread ourselves quite thinly enough to participate in everything we'd like to – but my word! If you've had some free time on your hands lately, then I'm reckoning you've not been stuck to find ways of spending it.

Last weekend saw the launch of the Merchant's Market in Glasgow's Merchant City. Beardy and I decided to make a day of it and took a stroll into town to explore the wares on Bell Street and in Merchant Square. Beardy had a rerr terr all in all but I didn't have quite so much fun – mainly because I don't like red meat. Or cheese. However, I am assured by Beardy (who likes both these things very much) that the selection and quality of fresh produce at the Merchant's Market was just great. I did get excited by the pie stall though (haggis, neeps and tatties in a pastry crust anyone?) and I sure enjoyed ooh-ing and aah-ing at the fresh flower stands too. 'Twas nice to see textile designer and regular Made In The Shade vendor, Global Guru, participating in the event but my, she looked chilly willy. I hope the outdoor marketeers are provided with free hot chocolate!

We munched some freebie food courtesy of Arta then headed inside Merchant Square to the arts and crafts area. There was little to no difference though in the selection of work available from the artists and makers in Merchant Square as is normally available of a weekend. We were geared up to experience something new, something fresh – but regardless, we still enjoyed browsing the wares of Breagha – designer/maker of the prettiest Harris Tweed accessories a gal ever did see.

Walking down the street, away from the street market, we overheard a conversation between two little ladies. “It's good that they've put a market in the toon in't it?” said one lady to the other. “Aye... Just a shame they've filled it wi' stuff we cannae afford”, her friend replied. And so the gentrification of Glasgow continues... Since our market day appetites hadn't quite been satisfied by the Merchant's Market, we headed Barras bound in search of penny bargains.

Other fabulous events/festivals going on this month have included the Glasgow DIY Festival, The Merchant City Festival and the launch of Craft Scotland's new campaign, The C Word. Despite circling lots and lots of events and activities in green pen on my GDIY calendar last week, Made In The Shade work was just too busy and I wasn't able to take time out to get down to the GDIY HQ. Oh so blue to have missed talks by Sarah Lowndes, Andy Abbot and Mark Meenly. I really wanted to get along to the Day of Letters & Words too. Such bad timing... May the GDIY Fest be a staple on the Glasgow indie events calendar for ever more!

The Merchant City Festival opened this weekend but unfortunately passed me by too since the gals and I were hosting our Homecoming event at The Lighthouse and our timetables clashed! Darn you September! You are just too full of wonderful things!

September has also seen the launch of Craft Scotland's new campaign to encourage discussion about 'craft' and to reconfigure connotations associated with craft and making. The C Word cinema ad campaign premiered in London on 24th September. The campaign will premiere in Scotland later this season. Kind of odd that the campaign didn't launch here first? I guess it is potentially helpful to all designers, makers and craftspeople working in Scotland for Craft Scotland to invest in the advertising/rebranding of craft, but I can't help but wonder, why now? What took them so long? Indie DIY groups have been working their socks off for years and years to turn craft around and improve it's reputation, moving it away from notions of 'tat' or 'hobbycraft' and into a realm of DIY design, exciting home business opportunities and creative exploration and experimentation – and to some success at a local and national level. Methinks the C Word could warrant a dedicated blog post come November. It will no doubt be interesting to see the effects of the campaign unfold.

The next time we write, it will be October. October sucks.

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