Bratchpiece Family Album @ The Arches

Review by Jenni Ajderian | 23 Mar 2012

Some combination of the cheap café tables, the purple whirling spotlights and the cheesy 70s pop filling the Arches' venue makes this feel like a strange kind of family reunion. The baby pictures up on screen help us nuzzle comfortably into this state of mind, and an unafraid audience dashes straight to the front row seats.

David 'Bratchy' Bratchpiece, who when younger was a dead ringer for Ron Weasley and still has this awkwardness, is just a little too occupied by filler material, while Neil Bratchpiece's well-studied and rehearsed character of the Wee Man shows the youngest of the clan as far cleverer than his ned alter-ego lets on- a character who raps, dances and blags his way through his set. The brothers are blessed with a comedian father, Mark Bratchpiece, who now plays his last ever show with sex jokes just the right side of cringey and a four-Yorkshiremen-esque view of the past.

Bratchpiece Senior strikes a perfect balance between saying he feels old and acting like he doesn't, and it's comforting to know that, though we are losing a great comedian from the circuit, we know that the Bratchpieces are keeping it in the family.

The Arches, March 21 as part of the Glasgow International Comedy Festival