My Robot Friend - Rapture

The man who has more than a flirtation with the idea of being a robot is back, disassembling Rapture by cutting-edge pop meisters Blondie and re-composing in the style of robo-disco electro with Chicago house keyboard and painstakingly constructed 'dictionaraoke' vocals.

Single Review by Alex Burden | 11 Jan 2007
Label: Soma
The man who has more than a flirtation with the idea of being a robot is back, disassembling Rapture by cutting-edge pop meisters Blondie and re-composing in the style of robo-disco electro with Chicago house keyboard and painstakingly constructed 'dictionaraoke' vocals. Think Adam Freeland's 'We Want Your Soul' with more sarcasm. [Alex Burden]

Released: Jan 8
Also check out the Freelance Hellraiser's mix, and the Vector Lovers.