Children Of the Damned - Tourettes Camp

Music trapped in an old era; you know the saying, 'if the cap fits'...

Album Review by Omar Jenning | 07 Dec 2007
Album title: Tourettes Camp
Artist: Children Of the Damned
Label: Blah Records
If you're typically the old Scrooge at this time of year then Tourettes Camp's latest offering from the Children Of the Damned (COTD) may be your ideal playlist. Comprising of nine MCs from across the UK - originally from two separate crews - it's nice to see hip-hop unity and that's exactly what this album has, combining a variety of flows and styles from the bowels of hip-hop. Coincidently, there are colossal elements of Wu-Tang's 36 Chambers found throughout the rudimentary RZA inspired production on Choke, The Killing Jar and Clean Living. This seems to confine the LP to the stereotypical fodder of underground back hip-hop, which is what exactly? Music trapped in an old era; you know the saying, 'if the cap fits'... [Omar Jenning]
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