The Lottergirls: Alotta electro

LEADER: Just who are the Lottergirls you may ask?

Feature by Sean McNamara | 10 Jun 2007
Not an easy question to answer, but probably the best way to describe them is as a 'new super-electro-funk group' comprising the talents of Princess Superstar, Fetisch, Wilderbeast and Andme. But let's not condemn them just yet. Their new song Bonfini has a certain appeal, and their new album out later this year, Right On, does sound promising.

The outfit is an offshoot of the last 'super-electro-etc-etc' group the Lotterboys. A project from Eskimo Recordings featuring Shapemod and Mack Goudy Jr, it produced the excellent track Animalia, and more recently Heroine. The track Bonfini is a tribute to the restaurant of the same name, which can be found in Berlin. Apparently the eatery was seen as a late night refuge for the movers and shakers of the Berlin scene in recent years. They would converge on the venue for whatever refreshments were required, and get generally messed up. Seemingly a pasta bar during the day, its secret night time activities will be no longer hush-hush after this! The track is a decent electro romp however and features production from the excellent Glimmers.

Despite Princess Superstar being the main name associated with this act, her vocals and influence have yet to shine through on any of their initial songs, but this may change with the release of the album later this year. Although in danger of being given that funeral bell-sounding phrase; "Big in Germany", the jury will remain out till the album appears. And, anyway, these days being big in Deutschland is no bad thing in dance music.
The Bonfini EP is out on 4 June.